
Dear Customers,

I’d like to take this opportunity to introduce myself as the New CEO of Liquid Accounts Ltd. My name is Colin Meakin and I’ve just joined Liquid Accounts. I was one of the founders of ICM which was successfully floated in the late 90’s before being acquired by Phoenix IT Group plc in 2007. Latterly I’ve been CEO of a £10M Nationwide IT Services business. I held this position for 5 successful years and I’ve joined Liquid Accounts with 3 immediate aims:-


1. To improve the Customer Service experience for our valued clients both old and new

2. To improve Liquid Accounts Ltd’s products and commercial position in the market place

3. To expand and develop Liquid Accounts as a business ensuring that Liquid Accounts Ltd prospers well in to the future


In order to achieve our aims, it will be necessary to make some changes to how we deal with one another. For most of our existence, we’ve effectively offered ‘Free’ and almost unlimited user support to our clients. This has worked well for both parties whilst we were in our infancy. However, in order to allow us to generate sufficient income from on-going operations to enable us to continue to prosper, it has now become necessary to operate our client service in line with our existing standard terms & conditions of business (as published on our website here).

Essentially, we’re having to limit our client support service to ‘2 incidents per paying customer, per month’ whereby any unused incidents are carried over for a maximum of ONE month. All such incidents should be addressed to us using the email address support@liquidaccounts.net and shall be responded to within 4 business hours.

I hope that you can appreciate the necessity for re-implementing this policy; our development team need to be allowed the time to improve our products and allow us to deploy development resources as required.

As regards urgent interactive client support, it is our intention to install a dedicated premium rate support line in the very near future. Further communication regarding this new feature will follow in due course.


I would also like to emphasise that we will not be increasing our charges for the foreseeable future and trust that you’ll agree that this  reflects the continued high value customers are getting from the most comprehensive Cloud accounting solution in the SME market.


Finally, I hope that you will continue to use Liquid Accounts as your product of choice and that you will continue to support us.

Should you wish to discuss any aspect of your relationship with Liquid Accounts, please feel free to contact me on colin.meakin@liquidaccounts.net.


Best regards,




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