Cloud solutions are being adopted by more and more companies as online platforms become a more viable proposition for reducing costs.
According to data from IT research company Gartner, 80% of companies indicated that they intend to use cloud solutions within the next 12 months.
This comes in spite of the fact that 55% of those companies currently have no cloud platforms in place, highlighting the rush to implement cloud solutions.
As a result, providers are rushing to meet demand, meaning business is booming despite some concerns over the risks to business operations of adopting cloud.
Ensuring security is vital for most businesses that are keen to make sure their data and key information is not easily accessible.
Gartner also revealed that only a small portion of IT budgets is being spent on cloud solutions, despite the high amount of attention they are receiving.
Cloud enables companies to become more efficient and allows for the many different arms of a company to work together in collaboration.
Only 6% of organisations intend to reduce the amount of cloud solutions that they use according to the survey.
By increasing the ease with which information can be accessed, businesses are able to be more fluid and responsive.
Business can be done on the move via mobile phones and tablets, while key information is available as and when required.
In order to improve efficiency, businesses are turning to cloud in an effort to keep pace with the global markets.
Financial solutions and accounting can be done via the services, meaning staff can be freed up to focus on other aspects of the business.
This means companies can turn to more in-depth marketing solutions and bring more products to market, benefitting the economy and building greater supply chains.
As long as cloud remains a viable proposition for businesses, it will continue to grow at pace and companies will implement solutions on a daily basis.
It would appear that only a drastic problem within the cloud network would stem the advance.
Should you wish to find out more about cloud accounting solution please contact or call 0845 4507304.
Article written by Emma Rushworth – Liquid Accounts Marketing