In the event that home working becomes necessary, here are some helpful pointers so you are ready – some need preparing now, or you may have questions that need answering, so please read carefully and contact Support if you have any queries.
Tools to be used:
- Clocking software
- Web app for accessing email
- Cloud productivity apps – CRM, HelpDesk, Messaging etc
- Shared file space in the cloud – for shared files normally accessed at the office
- VOIP phone – either via a handset or a soft client
- PC or laptop from home
- PC at the office
- Sync account on your browser(s)
Daily routine
- As part of your duty of care to your employees, you need to know where they are and that they are safe
- A cloud based clocking system answers this requirement and can be accessed either via a web browser or a smartphone
- There are plenty out there and a Google search will provide you with many options
- As part of this, you may wish to check that any employees working from home have a suitable working space, and that the equipment they are using is fit for the job – a simple Skype of Facetime session is a quick way for you to ensure your staff have somewhere safe and suitable to work from
- Ensure your employees can access company email – if you use Outlook or Exchange check out the Microsoft Mail web application
- All of the Office apps for your smartphone are free from the Apple or Google shop, so encourage staff to download and set them up in advance
Cloud productivity apps
- The current situation brings home the need for your business systems to be resilient
- To achieve this, we at Pastel-Liquid have chosen the Zoho range as our supplier day to day productivity apps – this gives us tools such as CRM for sales and marketing, Helpdesk software for the support team, Subscriptions to manage customer billings and payments, for example – over 50 apps are available
- Cliq – a Zoho internal messaging function that you can use to communicate with your colleagues – is especially useful when your staff are all working from home and they need to communicate without blocking work phone lines
- We work with one of the UK’s largest Zoho specialists and can set up a no obligation discussion with them if you wished to go over the option
- We now have 100% VOIP phones in use in our business and have successfully used them with very few problems for over 5 years now – we recommend them to everyone
- All VOIP phone systems come with a “soft client” which you install on a smartphone and this allows you to make and receive calls as though using your desk phone
- Alternatively, most VOIP phones can be taken home and plugged into your home router and will work as though sat on your desk
- Either option allows you to continue providing service and maintain your business
- We have chosen Plum Communications – – as our provider for the last 5 years and they have provided us with a great service
Remote PC access
- While your staff are working at home, they may use a home PC or a laptop
- this means they may need to connect remotely to their work PC so they can obtain relevant information
- If In this case, remote connection software is needed – Zoho offer Assist which is simple to use and fast – there are many others out there also
Browser sync
- An easy piece of advice is to create a Sync Account on your browser(s) – one for each browser you use
- This saves all of your bookmarks, tabs, password and browsing history
- This means such information is available on your browser wherever you are, and keeps it in sync across all your devices
- If you are unsure of how to do this, Google it or contact our support team – there are simple to follow instructions for each of the main browsers, all of which offer a sync account function
We are happy to discuss any of the above with you at any stage – please call us on 0161 413 5050 or email us at and we will do our best to assist you.
Thank you and Good Luck