Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems are becoming much more common in businesses. One reason for this is that the software now has the ability to be placed in the cloud. However, deciding to move your tools into the unknown may be something you’re reluctant to do.
In this blog, we explore the advantages of switching to cloud ERP.
Many are drawn to cloud ERP because of the lower upfront cost. Rather than paying a large lump sum like with traditional on-premise systems, there is a monthly or annual subscription. Cash flow is protected without the need for spending a hefty amount on software that, ultimately, may not work for your business.
Many cloud ERPs offer a free trial so you can test the tools. But by paying on a monthly or yearly basis, there’s always the option to stop using them if they don’t fulfil your requirements. The subscription model also enables you to forecast future costs. Plus, there’s no hardware investments on items like servers, as there are with an on-premise ERP.
With the traditional on-premise systems, data security is in your hands. Whilst this does allow you to have complete control over it, most businesses are concerned they won’t be able to meet all the requirements for this, especially with legislation like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in place.
With cloud ERP, you’ll have access to Liquid’s experts as well as our hosting partners (UKFast) who have dozens of consultants available 24 hours a day. Most businesses cannot afford such a setup.
It is important, however, to make sure you pick one that’s fully compliant like Liquid Accounts. This way, you can be assured that they will keep the information completely safe, abiding by current and any future legislation.
Many people believe that switching to a cloud ERP and implementing a new system will take up a lot of time. However, it’s actually significantly faster than it is to put the original on-premise one in place. With the switch completed quickly, you can be sure that you’ll receive the benefits with minimal downtime required. For those entirely new to ERP systems altogether, this makes a cloud solution ideal, setting your business up quickly and easily.
Looking for a cloud ERP that you can switch seamlessly to? Choose Liquid. Plus, there’s a whole host of other benefits including effective collaboration and integration with a wide range of other outside tools. The latter includes e-commerce platforms like PayPal, Shopify, Magento, Woo Commerce and eBay.
Plus, if there’s a specific functionality that you require for your business, we can create bespoke software that will ensure you have an ERP system that is tailored for your needs.
We’ll make sure that the move goes without a hitch. And if you’re migrating to the cloud from Sage 50, then Liquid’s full data conversion tool and expert team are there to guarantee a harmonious process.
The sooner you decide to switch, the sooner you can benefit. So, get the move actioned by contacting our helpful team today. Call 0161 413 5050 or message info@liquidaccounts.com.