
Liquid Accounts MD, Matt Holmes has been confirmed as the Chairman of a new Special Interest Group (SIG) on Cloud Computing for the Software Developers’ Association, BASDA.  Matt was chosen for this role as a pioneer of online accounting software in the UK and because Liquid currently holds the award for Best Web-Hosted Accounting Software, as voted for by their customers in the Software Satisfaction Awards.

David Turner of CODA was voted in as deputy chair.

BASDA Director General, Jairo Rojas said, ‘We are delighted with the response from several companies wanting to join forces with BASDA on this issue and in particular to Matt and Liquid Accounts for showing leadership in getting the group initiated. BASDA recognises the need to kick-start the industry debate on such an important new concept as Cloud Computing.’

BASDA is the recognised voice of software developers in the UK and works with the Government and its departments and agencies in order to address evolving strategic, technical, legal and political issues. They currently operate a number of SIGS in areas such as eBusiness, finance and accounting, and green issues in order to address key issues affecting the software industry.

Liquid Accounts’ MD, Matt Holmes, said, ‘BASDA members are at the forefront of this emerging technology and are uniquely placed to lead the discussion, and I’m delighted to have been given the opportunity to co-ordinate that.’

The aim of the group will be to clarify what Cloud Computing is, the difference between that and SaaS (Software as a Service), and to help create industry standards and processes that will help both BASDA members and their customers understand this technology and its advantages and disadvantages, and allow them to take an active part in its future development. They will also be looking for ways to engage with the Cloud Computing debate both nationally and internationally and other initiatives like the Cloud Computing Manifesto.

However, Matt is keen to stress that it’s not just about software, ‘The success of online technology is dependent on speed and so future developments are irrelevant without the network infrastructure. I’m keen therefore to bring Yorkshire Forward into the discussion as they are committed to creating a ‘Digital Region’ and are pioneering ‘open-access super-fast broadband.’

The first meeting took place at the National Computing Centre and the main discussions were around how to educate people about Cloud Computing and how to initiate a dialogue between, end users, developers and vendors.  The other main point for discussion was the emergence of a variety of Cloud Platforms and the implications for developers.

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