
Welcome to the first additional module release for Liquid Accounts V8.  We’ve added 2 new cloud accounting modules and a module bundle, plus we’ve upgraded 2 of our existing modules.  If you already have these modules turned on, then the new functionality will be there for you from when you login today.  If you don’t have these additional modules already, but would like to know more, please contact our sales team.

V8: New Additional Modules

  1. Contact Management (£5pm) – This module allows you to keep contact details for the companies and people that you interact with, alongside notes and history.  As it’s fully integrated with your accounts system, it also allows you to cross-reference suppliers and customers with the accounting information you have about them.  This module gives you the option of keeping details for more than person in each company, and allows you to set up contact groups (for example, if you belong to a particular networking group or want to keep track a particular market sector or initiative).  You can email direct from the system, or see a Google map of someone’s address, and you can export data into a spreadsheet for analysis or to import into another system should as an email marketing programme. For further information, please contact the sales team on 0845 450 7304, sales@liquidaccounts.net  
  2. Document Uploader (£10pm) – this module allows you to upload and store your invoices, and any other relevant correspondence directly into Liquid.  It gives you the option of securely storing all your accounting information together in the cloud, as either a back-up of the paper copies, or as a paperless option.  You could even use it to upload paperwork for your accountant or bookkeeper to access and input for you.  It’s entirely up to you!  For £10 we’ll give you up to 5MB of space to use as you wish, and with the option of buying more space as required. For further information, please contact the sales team on 0845 450 7304, sales@liquidaccounts.net  
  3. Distribution Bundle (£60pm) – for a discounted price of £60pm (normally £75pm), you can now buy a Distribution Bundle of the standard package, plus Stock Control, Sales and Purchase Order Processing, Salesman, Stock Builder and Contact Management For further information, please contact the sales team on 0845 450 7304, sales@liquidaccounts.net  

V8: Upgrades to Additional Modules

  1. Upgrades to Job Costing, including the addition of Timesheet Entry – we’ve upgraded our Job Costing module so that it has more reporting functionality, and have added timesheet entry so that allow service companies to analyse their time and costs by job.  Individual jobs and services can be split into categories, and how much time spent on each category can be entered, reviewed and analysed. For help in using this module, please contact our support team on 0845 450 7304, support@liquidaccounts.net.  Or for further information about the module, please contact the sales team on 0845 450 7304, sales@liquidaccounts.net  
  2. Upgrades to Advanced Multi-Currency we’ve added reconciling and allocating across multiple currencies so that you can have your base currency as one currency, invoice in another and get paid in yet another currency.  You can also now allocate multiple invoices paid in multiple or different currencies at the same time.  We’ve also added multi-currency transfer, allowing you to transfer different currencies between different bank accounts without having to do any adjustments. For help in using this module, see our help document or contact our support team on 0845 450 7304, support@liquidaccounts.net.  Or for further information about the module, please contact the sales team on 0845 450 7304, sales@liquidaccounts.net

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