
Liquid Accounts Wins Top Award 

‘Liquid Accounts online accounting software really impressed the judges with its ease of use. They deserved to win.’ Peter Baber, Insider

Best application of internet technology

Winner Liquid Accounts

Liquid Accounts impressed judges with how easy its online accounting software was to use. Lisa Kendrick, director of marketing and communications for Liquid Accounts, said the award helps them celebrate a rollercoaster year, which also saw them get their first six-figure job for a major plc. ‘Our profile seems to be increasing at a rapid rate,’ she said. ‘It has been completely up and down – one month everything’s fantastic and the next month you might need to pick yourself up and dust yourself off, but you just keep going. It is so exciting. Every day is different.’

e@SY Connects also won an honourable mention for it ability to work across multiple platforms.

Shortlist e@SY Connects, Pharmacy2U, 7Global, Yorkshire Building Society

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