
It has come to our attention that there is a bug in Internet Explorer which may be affecting your experience of Liquid Accounts if you use Explorer to access Liquid Accounts.  However the good news is that there is a quick and easy fix.

You may have noticed that it can take a long time for data to load when you click between tabs or different screens.  You may also have noticed that if you move your mouse whilst a page is loading it appears to load quicker.

To fix this, login to Liquid Accounts and then select the ‘Tools’ dropdown menu from the right hand side of the Internet Explorer toolbar.  Select ‘Compatibility View’ (and llps.co.uk will now have been added to the list in ‘Compatibility View Settings’ which can also be found in the ‘Tools’ dropdown menu).  The problem will now be resolved and all the pages will now load instantly.

You only have to change this setting once, unless you change to a different computer.  This bug is exclusive to Internet Explorer and doesn’t apply if you are using another browser such as Firefox, Safari or Mozilla.

For more Liquid top tips, visit our Help Centre via the app. or the website and view the ‘Tip & Shortcuts’ help document. Alternatively, if you have any queries about any element of the Liquid software, contact our Support Team on 0845 450 7305 or email support@liquidaccounts.net

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