Last week, Liquid sponsored the CIMA (Chartered Institute of Management Accountants) Annual Members in Practice Conference where Liquid’s MD also spoke about the benefits of cloud accounting.
The event, which was attended by over 150 chartered accountants at the Renaissance London Heathrow Hotel, explored the various topics surrounding the future of accounting, from tax changes to cloud computing.
Liquid’s MD, Matt Holmes, who is Chair of the BASDA (Business Application Software Developers Association) Special Interests Group for Cloud Computing, spoke about the benefits of cloud accounting and being able to manage your accounts online.
Matt’s presentation, entitled Cloud Computing Today, was presented ‘in the cloud’ via Google Docs and can be accessed by clicking on the link below.
Cloud Computing Today by Matt Holmes
CIMA is a UK-based professional body offering training and qualifications in management accountancy and related subjects, focused on accounting for business; together with ongoing support for members.
CIMA is the world’s largest and leading professional body of management accountants. They have 172,000 members and students in 165 countries, who work at the heart of business. For more information about CIMA, visit their website by clicking here.
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