And if you give us your feedback on how and when you want to be trained by filling in our quick survey, we’ll aim to arrange the next sessions to suit you!
All our webinar training gives you the benefits of structured course without the hassle of travelling to a training venue and being away from your office for a full day. Instead, you simply join the training session using the internet (like you may have done for a sales demo of Liquid). Each one hour session typically has around 6 clients attending and all will be able to ask questions of the trainer facilitating the session. You will be able to see the trainer’s screen and will be guided through the actions necessary to configure and use Liquid Accounts confidently and competently.
This introductory webinar will last one hour and is available for any of our customers. This module covers everything you need to get started on Liquid and gives you the tools to customise Liquid Accounts to suit your business, including:
These webinars will be run on the following dates/times:
If you would like to book a place on the FREE Getting Started Webinar please contact Michelle Kuhl at, 0845 867 7280, for a booking form.
Once you are up and running on Liquid, you can then choose any of the modules in our monthly How To……Webinar Course. There are 4 modules designed to help you develop your skills on Liquid and teach you how to perform the most common tasks like keeping customer and supplier records, banking and producing reports.
You can choose to take the full course (in 1 day or over a few months) in order to make the most of all Liquid’s functionality and make it even easier to use, or you can pick and choose which modules you’d prefer to take, depending on your existing knowledge and what you think you need to know.
These webinars will be held on the following dates:
1: Dealing with Customer Records (9.30-10.30 am)
This module shows you how to set up records for your customers including creating an invoice, recording payments and finding out who owes you money.
2. Dealing with Suppliers Records (11am-12pm)
Creating and maintaining the records relating to your suppliers and their transactions
3. Banking and nominal ledger (12.30-1.30pm)
This module covers making sure that transactions are properly accounted for, using bank accounts and the nominal ledger.
4: Reports (2-3pm)
This is where you can check how your business is performing by viewing reports and management information and create and submit information to HMRC (and your accountant).
The course is charged at £25 per module. To book please contact Michelle Kuhl at, 0845 867 7280 for a booking form.