Previously we told you about a bug in Internet Explorer which may affect your experience of Liquid Accounts. This needed to be fixed by changing a setting in the ‘Tools’ menu of your Internet Explorer toolbar. We’re now pleased to tell you that this bug is no longer an issue with the new v7 of Liquid Accounts. This means though, that if you’d previously followed our instructions and have added our secure site ( to the list in Compatibility View Settings, you will now need to remove it (otherwise you may experience new problems with viewing Liquid Accounts such as a large blue box masking information on the screen, or the menu tabs not displaying properly).
To change this setting you need to:
You will only have to change this setting once unless you change to a different computer. This issue is exclusive to Internet Explorer and doesn’t apply if you are using another browser such as Firefox, Safari or Mozilla.
If you need anymore help or information on this or any other technical queries, our Tech Support team will be happy to help, just contact Andrew Marshall on 0845 450 7304, email: or Skype: liquidaccountsandrew